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What does meniscus do?

There are two meniscuses inside the knee joint, one on the outside and one on the inside. These cartilage fragments, whose shapes like half a moon, make the joint bones move harmoniously together, just like a lego piece when the joint moves. They absorb and distribute the load on the cartilage like an shock absorber. That's why they're under a very serious burden. Even when walking normally, a load of up to 4 times the body weight is distributed by these small pieces of cartilage. Of course, there's less load when we're standing still, but when our muscles contract for walking movement, that load increases. The average weight of a person's meniscus during walking is actually 280 kg !! carries a load. Which would explain why the meniscus broke down and ruptured out of the blue in older age. This load can be up to 10 times the body weight as the muscles contract more when running and climbing stairs. You can imagine what kind of wear can happen when you get directly into the cartilage and bone without such a loading abrasive (meniscus). I don't even need a dream anyway. You just have to listen to the old people walking with the cane. Now let's take a look at how meniscus handles so much weight. As the ladder descends, the meniscus yawns and stretches and is pushed out of the joint. Thanks to this movement, an abnormal amount of load is distributed and absorbed on a large surface. In addition, meniscuses play an important role in the slippery knee joint and the feeding of joint cartilage.



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Although they are small pieces of cartilage, they have a solid braid. The ropes that make up this mesh are made up of collagen and can withstand excessive loads with braids formed in different directions, such as ropes. However, over time, the smooth slippery structure of the surface deteriorates when there is a tear due to an accident or a tear due to the deterioration of the collagen structure. Even on a small surface, the structure of the cartilage is not developed to disperse this load, so the loads cause rapid wear here. Your body load begins to crush cartilage by concentrating on a small area.

Meniscus tears can be in different ways. Treatment is determined according to the type and place of the tear. Large and torn torn parts that move apart from the main body are unstable tears. However, there are small or non-surgical tears that do not disturb the joint surface with friction. If the load-bearing surface is reduced, whether through tearing or surgical removal of the meniscus, there will be severe wear on the knee joint.

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