How do we overcome difficulties after making a decision?
In the long period of home closure due to Covid19, people are now beginning to understand the importance of the movement more.
The longing for nature, walking and moving with a wide range of freedom has overridden many things.
Humans have invented houses, roads and furniture to move less and consume less energy, increasing daily comfort, and the need for movement has gradually decreased. Of course, we do not want to adversely affect our health while eliminating unnecessary waste of energy. The need for exercise, which becomes evident with the need to walk while sitting at home, will gradually increase in summer.
We actually have enough information on how to do it. If you take a look at the benefits of exercise here, the initial motivation is complete.
I'm overweight, will exercise hurt me?
Yes… if you suddenly make a difficult move. There is a way to start exercising. If these procedures are not forced, weight will not hurt.
Overweight people also have stronger bones. Since there is a constant load on the bones, it is difficult to dissolve.
Movement is abundance as if it is a word spoken for our body structure. We learned the best lesson about bone resorption. When the astronauts who first went to space stayed a little longer, they returned to the earth with their bones, cartilages and muscles melted. We know that our body establishes a balance with its environment. Even taking 2 steps is a problem when you climb up space to a high altitude. Tourists going to Tibet are therefore overwhelmed. It takes serious time to get used to it. These balances are established as long as we continue to live in a certain environment, on the other hand, aging continues while our body struggles with the corrosive effects of the environment. Flexibility decreases, muscles begin to disappear, bones begin to melt, joints begin to calcify. Human beings also want to cope with the comfort of remote control in this issue. We dream of getting rid of it with a few drugs. In fact, over time, people who developed such drugs started to see what should happen in the whole. It turned out that very cool drugs given to people whose bones dissolve in a short time only harden the bones if they do not exercise. Moreover, there were fractures due to bone hardening. High successes were achieved in people who exercised. We learned that we cannot be healthy if we cannot increase the flexibility of the bone as well as densify it.
It turned out that daily movements are not exercises. Anyway, movements made for daily work are generally not done against resistance and repetitive, so they do not work for body vitality. Of course, movements such as walking for shopping, walking without brisk, folding laundry, cleaning, filling a dishwasher, etc. are better than nothing, and we switch to our topic. Since weight gain puts a constant strain on the bone, thin people tend to experience faster and more severe osteoporosis. However, when it is thought that the positive effect of weight gain on the bone creates heart, lung and joint wear, it remains zero on the left. You will experience the pain of the body you have and your loved ones suffer. Owning this body is an essential part of your life. While living a life under the wings of the social security institution waiting for the solution to be solved when the disease occurs,
Everything must have balance in life. Movement is a very important requirement of the musculoskeletal system. Inactivity removes the reason for the existence of a system for moving.
I never used my sports center membership, we paid for nothing.
We can say that outdoor exercises and movements are better than indoor exercise. In our big cities, our people, especially the middle age group, started to want more and more for sports. This is a very good development. However, as the structure of our cities is still not suitable for this, large and small sports centers have been opened ... Pilates, reformers, bodies, etc… Now, safe forest areas have started to be opened and we hope that in the future, the demands of civil society will be taken into consideration more.
I do not know such a valuable sports word as Atatürk's saying "A strong head is found in a solid body". It can be difficult to start doing sports, especially if there has not been enough movement for a long time, but those who start doing sports do not want to stop after the first effects have passed and the body has recovered.
When you do not act enough, you begin to realize that this is a need. Over time, loved ones and friends start to tell you about the importance of exercise and suggest walking, and sometimes your doctor will tell you that you should increase the exercise. It is nice, but it is hard to "get started".
If you have not exercised for a long time;
1. How will you find the motivation, time, and opportunities to start the exercise that is necessary to recover your body?
2. Which type of exercise is right for you?
3. Is a check-up required before starting exercise?

1. How will you find the motivation, time and opportunities to start exercising?
If motivation is required to start exercising, it is most difficult to do so with a doctor's recommendation. Because of not exercising on time, you have to start exercising because of a disease, as a result of the sequence of inactivity. While this is a strong motivation, it is of course the least preferred. After the age of 40, the effects of aging are increasingly noticed. The way to counter this is to do regular non-abrasive movements and exercises. You can start by thinking about what people who can exercise lose. I'll tell you; They don't lose anything. They have an admirable form.
Time is short?
Especially if you live in the city, the excuse of time scarcity is a very effective barrier. To overcome this;
1. Make sure to write down on a piece of paper where and when there are opportunities to exercise yourself. Save this in the reminders on the smartphone. Here you have to decide seriously. After all, no one else lives your body, so if it comes to your job to feel good and be healthy, take it very seriously.
2. Most neglected are flexible personal programs. Group sports or schedules with a friend are easier to follow. In this way, you will relatively kill your wishes to slack off.
3. The 3-week rule: if you start a workout regularly for 3 weeks, a habit will settle. You have to adjust to this for 21 days. As you realize that it feels good to exercise or exercise, other secondary things become unimportant and your own discipline develops. Your self-esteem starts to increase.
4. Exercise durations: exercise durations should be 20 minutes at the beginning and 1 hour should be increased over time.
Setting time in the daily rush grows in the eye as a completely different matter. Especially if you have a life with abundant traffic, this may seem incomprehensible. Even the exercises that can be seen in simple youtube videos for people who are sitting sitting make a difference in terms of happiness and health.
Exercise should not be challenging at first.
Anyway, if you have not exercised in a long time, talk to your GP or a familiar doctor. Complete your examinations if necessary.
If you have not exercised for a long time, you should take it slow.
• It is necessary to prefer exercise types that work the whole body to those that work certain muscles.
• There should be different types of light activities
• Weight should not be exercised, movements should be made towards the form.
• We should give priority to arm, leg, waist flexibility movements and range of motion exercises.
• We should start exercising with very simple movements.
• If you are over 50 and have not exercised in years, seriously consider starting with a physical therapist or participating in exercise classes.
• It is best to work with physiotherapists over telehealth even when you are at home, to understand your specific movements.
• You can start with 5-minute home exercises suitable for your age on Youtube channels and increase these periods up to 1 hour. When exercising, it would be correct to open the windows and ventilate the house.
• Never, ever give up, be consistent. When you complete the 3 weeks, the water will flow automatically.