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Total Knee Replacement

We encounter this question a lot. Actually, we cannot decide for you, but we can guide you in making decisions. Knee prosthesis is a treatment that normalizes the flow of life and makes life better. Of course, as in every treatment, there is a lot of confusion regarding this issue. First of all, when it comes to such a surgery, there are natural hesitations due to contradictory opinions around. Should we continue with other non-surgical treatments? What if it's bad? Does it take a lot of time?...  I will try to explain what needs to be known in order to answer these questions correctly.




There are several criteria when deciding on a knee replacement.

• Do not try to get your X-rays treated. Knee films and MRIs only give the image ...

• Keep notes:

Movements that increase pain

Mark the areas where you feel pain

Painkillers that have to be taken and their effects on pain

The distance you can walk non-stop

Difficulties in sitting and getting up

Progression of knee joint deformities - you can take front and side photos of the knee joint every month while standing

Characteristics of other low back and leg pains, if any


Knee prosthesis is a kind of coating that acts as the worn joint cartilage, carries load while the joint is working, and acts as a friction surface. Various types are made according to the needs.


Trying to understand whether the patient really needs a knee replacement just by looking at the X-rays can be misleading.


Although some films may seem scary, the complaints are not that bad; on the contrary, the patient may experience extreme movement and walking difficulty, even if the films and x-rays seem good.


Osteoarthritis or arthrosis is a process that affects the knee cartilage, ligaments and muscles. We have some rating criteria to understand where we are in this process. Your doctor has to act according to these grading criteria and it is necessary to be able to rate a knee problem and measure the size of the problem now.


Let's list the criteria we first look at when thinking about knee replacement:

• Does the pain really affect your daily life significantly?

• Were non-surgical treatments performed correctly? needles in the knee, physical therapy, weight control

• What are our expectations from knee replacement? Some patients may want to pray comfortably with the knee prosthesis while living their daily lives comfortably, others may want a knee prosthesis only because there is pain when running a lot.


It is necessary to understand what we will get from knee prosthesis.

The main purpose is to find a solution that will ensure participation in all areas of life.


We want to use our full potential in our daily life. In order not to be condemned to an increasing knee problem, it is necessary to gather data about what the situation requires technically.


These data are:

1. Disease history and progression rate, applied treatments

2. Difficulties caused by daily life activities

3. Examination findings (bone, cartilage surfaces, muscles, ligaments, range of motion, pain points, special tests)

4. Imaging (standing x-rays, MRI, etc.)


In the light of these data, we make a decision for a knee replacement. Movies are more about the technical part of the work.



If this solution, which will take painless walking, sleep, dress and remove the knee problem from life, is possible with surgery, it is necessary to take this path without hesitation. It is important to discuss personal difficulties and possible complications with your physician in detail.

This knee disease affects daily life as if a painful handcuff was worn, and each year searches for the previous one. Therefore, waiting often results in an increase in the problem.

As we get older, the surgery will become technically more difficult. This progressive nature of the disease should also be taken into account while making a decision.



I mentioned above about the rating. This grading is 1. assessment of quality of life 2. Examination of joint and evaluation of muscles and ligaments and gait style. 3. It is formed by evaluating the films. With such a rating, we can understand where we are and we can measure where the disease has come compared to today.


It is also very important to understand the advanced knee problems early.


Which age is suitable for knee replacement:

We can say that there is no age for torment. If all other treatment options are no longer meaningful, treatment with knee replacement is considered. A knee that has reached this degree means that it has made life extremely difficult. For this reason, it is necessary to make a knee prosthesis at the most appropriate time in order not to lose any more life.


Does the prosthesis have a certain life span? Are we running early or late for the surgery?


Just like the fact that the original knee joint also has a certain life span, any implant to be made has a lifespan. Of course this is not short. If there is a very painful knee, is it reasonable to clench your teeth for a maximum of 1 or 2 years for a prosthesis that will last at least 20 years? The decision is yours.


What problems does the prosthesis cause?

Complication rates in knee prostheses are very low, but if they do, it will be a challenge. Therefore, before knee prosthesis, you should discuss the risks and complications that may occur such as infection, stiffness, deep vein thrombosis, numbness on the outside of the leg.

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